Friday, February 15, 2008

Baby Brown!!! On the way!

So a few days after New Years...which I spent doubled over with some serious heartburn....I took a pregnancy test thinking that I honestly wasn't pregnant since I had taken one the week prior and so I thought I guess I would just take the last one to be certain and then put the idea behind us for a month or two.....
and what do you know:) It was positive! I told Jason that night on State street (the main street near our house where we are opening a business) by way of giving him a gift to open ( a baby cap and baby socks) :) I guess we were both a little shocked....but unbelievably excited!!! No one seems to tell you about the rollercoaster of emotions you go through when you find out you are pregnant....being excited....but then scared. Feeling like you are too young. Being upset about the change in lifestyle. Trust me I felt all of them. In the end I guess I may not be one of those girls who "loves" being pregnant..... don't get me wrong. I love that there is a little person inside of me and I love that I am going to be a mother. So in other words I love the outcome. I cannot wait until this baby gets here.....its just the getting there part that is harder to deal with than I thought. Trust me, I cannot wait for this baby to arrive. It is all we can think about at times! I have been thus far having an easy pregnancy I think in terms of morning sickness and not feeling well. It more so the restrictions and the body image issues that are coming into play now. Of course the payoff is greater than anything else in the world so all of it is worth the sacrifice. The one thing I am learning about with somthing like pregnancies is that its the start of parenthood. Everyone has an opinion about how it should be and how it should be done and people are all different. And families raise children differenly and that is somthing I think will be really important to remember. So its just somthing that you have to work at in terms of sticking to your guns and your belifs. And hopefully that you are entitled to feel however you feel.....even if its not all roses all the time:)
We are preparing the nursery.... here are some sneak preview pics. The tree on the wall will be the base for a "family" will be surrounded by pics of our friends and family! If you can't tell we think it may be a girl..... but really who knows. Truth is either sex I think would be exciting....I am actually getting geared up for either!
No matter what it is we are excited that it's a BABY!! . We find out in 8 weeks if it will be little Jakob or Little Laila Luciana!

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